Technology Use Guidelines

MPCS computer systems and network services are provided for administrative, educational, communication, and research purposes consistent with the Division's educational mission, curriculum, and instructional goals. General expectations and guidelines for appropriate behavior and communication apply to use of electronic devices, networks, and Internet services. Acceptable uses of computer systems and network services include activities that support teaching and learning. Technology resources include, but are not limited to, computers, mobile electronic devices, printers, software, network file servers, data files, email systems, and access to the Internet. Internet and the computer network is available to authorized students, staff and guest users. A Technology Acceptable Use Policy These guidelines along with the Acceptable Computer Use policy serves to protect the interests of the school division and its technology resources users.

Authorized Users

1.1 Students, employees and guest users of Manassas Park City Schools who complete and sign the Technology Acceptable Use Agreement are authorized users of the school division's technology resources.

Authorized User Agreement

2.1 Employees, students and their parents or legal guardians shall receive and sign an acknowledgment of this Policy and return it to the appropriate individual school or designated school personnel.

2.2 The school shall maintain an accurate record of those who have returned the signed acknowledgment and shall respond accordingly.

2.3 Guest users will acknowledge agreement upon connection to the MPCS wireless access.

Technology Privilege

3.1 Use of the Manassas Park City Schools Internet and technology infrastructure and equipment (computers, electronic devices, network file servers and storage, and network access) is a privilege, not a right.

3.2 Inappropriate use may result in an immediate termination of access and other privileges relating to use. Inappropriate use may also result in disciplinary action (up to and including suspension or expulsion for students or formal reprimand or dismissal for staff) as well as potential civil or criminal liability and prosecution.

3.3 Administration, faculty, or staff may request that the network systems administrator deny, revoke or suspend specific user access in the event of violation of the policy and guidelines.

Technology Use

4.1 Use of technology resources or transmission of any material in violation of any federal or state law is strictly prohibited. Also prohibited is the use or transmission of material protected by federal or state intellectual property laws; copyrighted material; licensed material; threatening, harassing or obscene material; and/or pornographic material.

4.2 The following are unacceptable actions or activities that can result in disciplinary action. All possible inappropriate behavior cannot be contemplated so this list should not be considered all-inclusive.

4.2a Any use that is illegal, unauthorized or in violation of other School Board policies or regulations; Violating the rights to privacy of any student or employee;

4.2b Transmitting, downloading, storing, or printing files or messages (text, sound, still, or moving graphics, or any combination thereof) that are pornographic, or are obscene, as defined at Va. Code Section 18.2-372, or that use language, sounds, or imagery which is lewd or patently offensive (including “sexually explicit visual materials” as defined at Virginia Code Section 18.2-374.1), or degrades others.

4.2c Harassment by computer or any mobile device, which includes transmitting any material or posting material on any website which is threatening to another person, falsely represents another person, or which is intended to coerce, intimidate, or harass; material intended to communicate obscene, vulgar, profane, lewd, lascivious, or indecent language, or make any suggestion or proposal of an obscene nature; or material threatening any illegal or immoral act, whether or not such material is transmitted to that third person;

4.2d Copying and/or installing proprietary information, including software, in violation of software licensing agreements and applicable law;

4.2e Unauthorized copying of copyrighted material including, but not limited to, digitization and distribution of photographs from magazines, books, or other copyrighted sources, copyrighted music, and the installation of any copyrighted software for which MPCS or the end user does not have an active license is strictly prohibited;

4.2f Using the network for personal financial gain, commercial, advertising, solicitation or business activity not on behalf of the MPCS, or any illegal or unauthorized activity;

4.2g Any attempt to access unauthorized sites;

4.2h Any attempt to delete, erase or otherwise conceal any information stored on a school computer which violates these rules, or at any time after being advised by any administrator or supervisor to preserve any materials stored on a school computer;

4.2i Deliberately trying to degrade or disrupt system or network performance. Such acts will also be viewed as criminal activity under applicable state or federal law;

4.2j Attempts to modify system facilities, downloading, installing, or transmitting viruses from email attachments or any other source, illegally obtaining extra resources, or attempting to subvert the restrictions associated with any computer system, computer account, network service, or personal computer protection software;

4.2k Writing down passwords and storing them anywhere accessible to others. Storing passwords digitally without encryption;

4.2l Personal use not related to educational purposes;

4.2m Disclosing or sending MPCS proprietary and classified information to unauthorized persons, including but not limited to confidential student and staff records maintained on MPCS data networks, or posting this information outside of MPCS;

4.2n Distributing any school interior maps, floor plans, or written descriptions of interior floor plans on web pages, camera locations, or other information which could compromise school security;


5.1 Manassas Park City Schools cannot guarantee the availability of technology resources. The school division will not be responsible for any information that may be lost, damaged, or unavailable due to technical or other difficulties.

5.2 The school division cannot ensure that all electronic transmissions are secure and private. The school division cannot guarantee the accuracy or quality of information obtained.

5.3 The school division cannot control or censor illegal, defamatory, or potentially offensive materials that may be available to the user on systems accessible through technology resources in Manassas Park City Schools.

Technology Access

6.1 The school division will provide access to technology resources. Users should be aware that use of these resources may be monitored in order to provide an acceptable level of service to all users.

6.2 Users should be aware that data that resides on, or passes through, the school division's technology infrastructure is subject to review.

6.3 In order to maintain system integrity and to ensure users are using the system responsibly, network administrators may review files and communications without prior notice or permission of the user. Users should not expect that files stored on district resources will always be private.

6.4 MPCS cannot guarantee the availability of technology resources. The school division will not be responsible for any information that may be lost, damaged, or unavailable due to technical or other difficulties.

Proper Use

7.1 School division staff will provide instruction on proper use of technology resources, including areas of proper care of equipment, management of resources and data, search strategies, user safety, copyright laws, computer etiquette, and website design guidelines.

7.2 Staff shall report any incident of harassment or any other unauthorized or inappropriate use of school division technology resources to the building or department administrator who will report the incident to the Director of Information Technology.

7.3 Staff will promptly submit problems related to technology use including hardware, software, email, network, printer, and phones using the web based technology work order system.

7.4 Users will utilize only assigned accounts and passwords on MPCS electronic devices. Users must take appropriate precautions to safeguard account or password information, and network resource access and prevent the use of assigned accounts and passwords by others.

Digital Citizenship & Internet Safety

8.1 Manassas Park City Schools maintains a private network for students, teachers, and staff with a secure connection to the Internet. Network security is maintained through the combined use of an Internet filtering appliance, a firewall, technology guidelines, an Internet safety curriculum and the district-wide Acceptable Use Policy.

8.2 The use of a firewall has been in place since the establishment of Internet connectively through the MPCS private network. It prevents unauthorized access to the school system's resources by producing a physical barrier between the network and the Internet. The firewall also permits outbound traffic from the MPCS private network to the Internet.

8.3 An Internet filtering appliance is utilized on the MPCS network allowing for age and grade appropriate access to the Internet. The filter prevents access to illegal, inappropriate and harmful content and materials. However, no known process can control or censor all harmful or inappropriate material that may be available to users of MPCS technology resources. The filtering appliance enables MPCS technology staff and administrators to track and monitor authorized users' activities online.

8.4 Instructional technology guidelines and an Internet safety curriculum will be implemented across the K-12 instructional program. The guidelines and curriculum will help ensure the students' personal safety on the web, assist them in making informed choices when viewing Internet content, and emphasize safety as related to social networking and online communications. The school division will provide access to the Internet based on the following guidelines:

8.4a At Cougar Elementary (PK-2), teachers will actively supervise student use of the Internet. Students will access Internet resources that the teacher has previously explored and selected. Teachers will make every effort to ensure that students are directed to sites with only age- and topic-appropriate material and resources.

8.4b At Manassas Park Elementary (3-5), teachers will supervise and model appropriate use of the Internet. Students will continue to have Internet access under direct teacher supervision; however, students will also experience guided practice leading towards gaining skills to become an independent, responsible user of the Internet. Teachers will make every effort to ensure that students explore only sites with age- and topic-appropriate material and resources.

8.4c At Manassas Park Middle School (6-8), teachers will provide guided practice and model appropriate use of the Internet. Teachers will supervise student initiated information search activities and provide support for students as they begin to assume responsibility for becoming independent users of the Internet. Teachers will make every effort to ensure that students explore only sites with age- and topic-appropriate material and resources.

8.4d At Manassas Park High School (9-12), students will participate in independent Internet use with teachers assuming less of a monitoring role and more of an advisory role.

8.5 Students are expected to abide by all regulations for technology use as set forth in the MPCS Technology Acceptable Use Policy (IIBEA-GAB, IIBEA-R/GAB-R) as well as the Standards of Student Conduct (JFC and JFC-R).

8.6 All MPCS staff, including teachers, administrators, guidance counselors, and technology lab instructors and media specialists, will be provided training to implement the Internet safety curriculum and integrate it into daily instruction across all subjects and grades.

8.7 Additional resources will be provided to parents and guardians to educate and assist in reinforcing Internet safety at home. The Technology Acceptable Use Policy will be sent home at the beginning of each school year for parental review with their child(ren) about utilizing the MPCS network and computer systems.

Electronic Mail

9.1 Electronic mail (Email) services are provided to Manassas Park City School employees for the purpose of teaching, research, and conducting MPCS business.

9.2 MPCS students may be issued a school-approved email account to use for instructional purposes only. Students who have electronic mail accounts from sources outside the school division may not access those accounts using the school division's resources unless under specific guidance from an MPCS instructional staff member.

9.3 Staff Email addresses may be published in the MPCS web page address directory.

9.4 The MPCS global address book is intended for school business purposes only. The use of school and division level “ALL” distribution lists (ie. MPCS-All, CES-All, MPE-All, etc.) in the global address book for mass mailings is permitted only with authorization from school and/or division administration.

9.5 In no event should any user ever download any file attached to any Internet-based message unless the user is certain of that message's authenticity and the nature of the files so transmitted.

9.6 MPCS authorized users are prohibited from engaging in any of the practices described below on the MPCS network. Manassas Park City Schools may suspend or revoke the Email privileges of any user who abuses them.

Additionally, MPCS may impose appropriate sanctions, which may include reprimand and/or disciplinary action including revocation of system privileges, and staff termination or student suspension or expulsion, upon any user who engages in one or more of the following activities:

9.6a Sending obscene or patently offensive Email;

9.6b Sending intimidating, threatening, harassing, or abusive Email;

9.6c Intercepting, disrupting, or altering an Email communication without proper authorization;

9.6d Accessing, copying, or modifying Email messages from or within the electronic files or records of another without permission;

9.6e Misrepresenting the identity of the source of an Email communication;

9.6f Allowing another to use one's Email account for fraudulent purposes;

9.6g Using Email to interfere with the ability of others to conduct school business;

9.6h Sending or forwarding unsolicited "junk" Email or mass electronic mailings, such as chain letters;

9.6i Using Email for commercial purposes unrelated to school business;

9.6j Reproducing or distributing copyrighted materials without appropriate authorization;

9.6k Using Email for any purpose which violates state law, federal law, or MPCS policy and

9.6l Using Email for solicitation purposes not related to MPCS business.

Access to Computer Facilities

10.1 Students are prohibited from entering restricted areas without permission of an authorized staff member. Such areas include, but are not limited to, administrative work areas, server rooms, wiring closets, labs, and classrooms.

10.2 Removal of equipment from the school premises or relocation of equipment within the school is prohibited unless approved through the office of the Director of Information Technology.

Remote Access

11.1 It is the responsibility of MPCS employees, contractors, vendors, and agents with remote access privileges to the MPCS network to ensure that their remote access connection is given the same consideration as the user's on-site connection. All computer systems that are connected to the MPCS internal network via remote access technologies must comply with all requirements of this regulation.

Web Page

12.1 The school division will provide resources to staff to host class/school activity web pages through a division approved web hosting site. All school-related web pages will be created and maintained through a division approved web hosting site.

12.2 Class and school activity web pages must contain only educationally relevant material and must adhere to all applicable school division guidelines, policies, and regulations.

12.3 Students may only post information to web pages under the direct supervision of a staff member.

12.4 Before any image, article, or identifying information about a student is placed on a web site accessible from the public Internet, a release form must be signed by the parent/guardian.


13.1Software will be installed on the division's computers having Internet access to filter or block internet access through such computers to child pornography and obscenity. The online activities of users may also be monitored manually. Any violation of these guidelines shall result in loss of computer system privileges and may also result in appropriate disciplinary action, as determined by School Board policy, or legal action.

Personally Owned Devices

14.1 All personally-owned devices will be required to meet expectations and guidelines set forth in these guidelines and school board policy.

14.2 All personally-owned devices shall be used solely for instructional purposes in the classroom. Teachers will determine the kind of devices and the uses they will permit in his/her classroom. Students will never be required to bring in their personally-owned device.

14.3 Manassas Park City Schools is not responsible for any device or data loss, theft, damage or other associated risks and costs of replacement or repair incurred on school property or at school-sponsored events of personally-owned devices.

14.4 Manassas Park City Schools is not responsible for the maintenance or configuration of personally-owned devices.

14.5 Manassas Park City Schools staff will not provide support to maintain or fix these devices. Maintenance and charging are the responsibility of the user.

14.6 Authorized users are solely responsible for all content maintained on personal devices. Steps should be taken to insure inappropriate, confidential, personal, and/or non-instructional content is not shared with other users. All information contained on a personal device must be permissible for use under local, state, and federal laws.

14.7 Staff members should never allow students to use a staff member's personal devices for any reason. In addition, all devices must be free from viruses or other threats to the MPCS network. Staff members should not save any sensitive student data on their personal device. This includes, but is not limited to demographic information, narratives on student progress, or any other data immediately pertaining to individual students. Further, staff members should not store any photographs, video, or audio of students on their personal devices.

14.8 Personally-owned devices are always required to connect to the Internet using the designated MPCS wireless network (not private data service).

14.9 Any device accessing MPCS network resources is subject to discovery under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), and possible confiscation by school authorities. MPCS reserves the right to monitor and investigate activities on personally-owned computing equipment on the MPCS network.

14.10 Users should implement appropriate levels of security on personal devices to restrict unauthorized access.

Reviewed and Updated: June, 2021

Legal Refs: 18 U.S.C. §§ 1460, 2256.

47 U.S.C. § 254.

Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, §§ 18.2-372, 18.2-374.1:1, 18.2-390, 22.1-70.2 and 22.1-78.

Guidelines and Resources for Internet Safety in Schools, Virginia Department of Education (Second Edition October 2007)

Cross Refs: GCPD Professional Staff Members: Contract Status and Discipline
GDPD Support Staff Members: Contract Status and Discipline
JFC Student Conduct


Password Requirements

  • Minimum characters eight, Maximum characters 16
  • Passwords must contain at least two letters, and one numeral
  • No repeatable/consecutive characters
  • Contain both upper and lower case characters (e.g., a-z, A-Z)
  • Contain numeric/special characters, such as 0-9,!@#$%^`&*()
  • Password should not contain First Name, Last Name or Login ID
  • Expiration settings - employees 45 days, students 365 days
  • None of a user's previous three passwords can be re-used


  • Accounts should automatically lock after five consecutive failed login attempts for at least 30 minutes to sufficiently stop brute force password cracking with strong passwords enabled

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