Manassas Park City Schools (MPCS) is committed to providing a safe environment for students, staff, and visitors. We work closely with national, state, and local safety officials to ensure our schools are well prepared for an emergency. We have developed comprehensive school safety plans to cover a wide range of emergencies that serve as a guide to help staff and public partners respond swiftly should a crisis occur in our schools. We also work in collaboration with the police department and the fire department to construct specific crisis and crisis communication plans for each school in the division.
Communication channels
In the event of a crisis in the schools, we will utilize the following communication channels:
- Telephone
- Text Message
- Email
- Facebook
- Twitter
We will also coordinate communication with Manassas Park City Government, Manassas Park Police Department, and Manassas Park Fire Department.
Safety Support
School Resource Officers (SRO)
SROs are certified law enforcement officers employed by the Manassas Park Police Department. They are assigned to each school with the goal of creating and maintaining a safe, secure, and orderly environment for students, faculty, and staff. The duties of the SRO fall into the broad categories of prevention, investigation, communication, support, and enforcement.
School Security Officers (SSO)
SSOs are hired by the School Board and are responsible for ensuring the safety and security of the learning environment. SSOs assist in maintaining a safe school environment by monitoring school buildings, grounds, and activities and enforcing the rules and regulations established in the MPCS Code of Conduct.
Anonymous Online Tip Reporting System
This system allows you to quickly, easily, and anonymously report safety concerns to school officials 24/7/365. Help us create a safer learning environment!
Anonymous Online Tip Reporting System

School Safety Contact:
Kenyetta M. Grigsby
Supervisor of School Safety
[email protected]