Child Find

MPCS Child FInd

Manassas Park City Schools is required to inform the community of a student's right to a free, appropriate public education and the availability of programs and services, including special education. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act are federal laws that give the School Division certain responsibilities with respect to providing such educational programs to students with disabilities. Under the IDEA and Section 504, the School Division has the responsibility to actively and continuously identify, locate, and evaluate those children, infant to age 21, living in Manassas Park who may be in need of special education and/or related services, or adaptations or accommodations to the regular education services.

These laws also require the School Division to:
Refer for possible evaluation any student of school age living in the School Division who a school staff member suspects may be disabled.
Provide appropriate educational and school related opportunities to students with disabilities in an inclusive setting to the maximum extent appropriate.
Provide notice of the availability of services and types and location of services to nearby private schools, pediatricians, and the Health Department.
Provide parents/guardians of students with disabilities with notice of their rights annually, and prior to their student's evaluation and placement, or any significant change in their student's placement.
Develop and implement procedural safeguards with respect to actions regarding the identification, evaluation, and placement of students with disabilities.
Provide written notice of the School Division's procedural safeguards to parents or guardians.

Developmental Screenings

Manassas Park City Schools offers free Developmental screenings at Cougar Elementary for children ages 2 (by September 30th) through age 5 to assist in identifying the need for special education services. The screenings are conducted by an early childhood special education teacher. The screenings assess general development in motor, personal-social, cognitive, communication, and adaptive skills.

If you have concerns about your preschool aged child, please complete the information here: English:


and the Permission to Screen Form :

English screening permission.docx

Spanish screening permission (SPANISH).docx

Or contact Jonna McCuin, Child Find Coordinator, [email protected], 703-392-1317 Ext 10112 to schedule an appointment.

The screenings are provided at no cost to parents of Manassas Park. The screening may indicate the need for a referral for special education evaluation in accordance with regulations and administrative requirements for the operation of special education programs in Virginia.

Questions or comments can be directed to Jessica Roach, Supervisor of Early Childhood Programs, [email protected], 703-392-1317 Ext. 10100

Evaluación del Desarrollo

Las escuelas de Manassas Park ofrecen evaluaciones gratuitas de Desarrollo en la escuela Cougar Elementary para los niños/niñas de 2 años (antes del 30 de Septiembre) hasta la edad de 5 para ayudar a idenficar las necesidad de servicios de educación especial. Las evaluaciones son realizadas por una maestra de educación especial de intervención temprana. Las evaluaciones evalúan el desarrollo general en habilidades motoras, personal-sociales, cognitivas, comunicativas y adaptativas.

Si tiene inquietudes sobre un niño/niña de edad preescolar, por favor complete la información aqui:



y el Formulario de Permiso para Evaluar:

Inglés screening permission.docx

Español screening permission (SPANISH).docx

O comuniquese con Jonna McCuin, Coordinadora de Child Find , [email protected], 703-392-1317 Ext 10112 para hacer una cita.

Las evaluaciones se hacen sin ningún costo a los padres de Manassas Park. La evaluación puede indicar una referencia para una evaluacion de educación especial de acuerdo con las regulaciones y requisites administrativos para el funcionamiento de programas de educación especial en Virginia.

Preguntas o comentarios pueden ser dirigidos a Jessica Roach, Supervisora de Programas de Intervención Temprana, [email protected], 703-392-1317 Ext. 10100

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